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A man hugs his daughter and granddaughter after they crossed the border from Shehyni in Ukraine to Medyka in Poland. Numerous Ukrainians are leaving the country fleeing the conflict. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpaA man hugs his daughter and granddaughter after they crossed the border from Shehyni in Ukraine to Medyka in Poland. Numerous Ukrainians are leaving the country fleeing the conflict. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa
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DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

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Every pound you donate will go towards supporting Concern’s work in Ukraine and wherever the need is greatest

More than two years after the onset of conflict in Ukraine began, the humanitarian need is still high and escalating. 

Since February 2022, over eight million people have fled Ukraine to escape the conflict. A further 18 million have been displaced but have stayed in the country.

For those who have remained, they have endured month after month of limited or no access to food, water, healthcare, education, protection and other essential services. The number of people in severe humanitarian need in Ukraine is still growing by the day.

As ongoing conflict continues to destroy homes, claim lives and separate families, Concern continues to provide essential assistance as long as necessary.

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Pasha* (19) from a village in Sumy Oblast. Pasha became a “father” for his three siblings. Photo: Mykhaylo Palinchak/Concern Worldwide
Pasha* (19) from a village in Sumy Oblast. Pasha became a “father” for his three siblings. Photo: Mykhaylo Palinchak/Concern Worldwide

The conflict in Ukraine has torn down families, changing their circumstances dramatically – like young Pasha’s, 19 years old. Having returned to his home village in the Sumy region without his parents, Pasha is now single-handedly caring for his two younger sisters and brother. It is a huge responsibility for any young man and a struggle at the best of times. His part-time job as a farm labourer, while studying a construction course at college, is not enough to meet all their needs.

But cash assistance from Concern and local JERU partners to purchase crucial winter firewood and repair a water pump in the family home means that Pasha can now spend more of his earnings on essential food and more time to care of his siblings.

3 ways your donation helps people in Ukraine

 “This war is not going to end quickly. 10 million people don’t easily get to go home and rebuild their lives,” says Ros O’Sullivan, Concern’s Head of Emergency Response.

Concern’s teams on the ground require continued and immediate support to deliver life-saving aid to the people inside Ukraine who need it most and help them build back their lives including:

  • Cash assistance – for essentials or to protect them against the cold
  • Protecting children and adults against the trauma with psychosocial support
  • Early economic recovery with small business grants and re-skilling to help vulnerable families build back their livelihoods.

Your donation today will go towards meeting the immediate humanitarian needs of people affected by this crisis, who are vulnerable, traumatised and want to protect and take care of their loved ones.

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At Concern, we are working in association with our Alliance2015 partners, national organisations and the United Nations to get help as quickly as we can to those who need it most.

What will happen next is unclear, but with your help we can respond and help families affected by the conflict through this crisis. There is no time to waste.


Our impact in 2023

30.3 M icon
30.3 M

people reached, in 26 of the world's poorest countries

15.5 M icon
15.5 M

people supported in 66 emergencies

9 M icon
9 M

people reached through our health and nutrition programmes

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