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Photo: Kieran McConville / Concern WorldwidePhoto: Kieran McConville / Concern WorldwidePhoto: Kieran McConville / Concern Worldwide

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What is Concern's registered charity number?

Concern Worldwide (UK) is a Company Limited By Guarantee And Not Having A Share Capital (Registered in England and Wales with registered number 04323646) which has been granted Charitable Status by The Charity Commission for England and Wales (Registered Number 1092236) and The Office of The Scottish Charity Regulator (Registered Number SCO38107). The Registered Offices of Concern Worldwide (UK) are 13/14 Calico House, Plantation Wharf, London, SW11 3TN.

In Ireland, Concern's registered charity number is 20009090.

What areas of work does Concern focus on?

Where does Concern work?

Why should I donate to Concern rather than another organisation?

What is meant by "emergency situations"?

What is long-term development work?

What are Concern's administration costs?

Is Concern a political organisation?

Is Concern a religious organisation?

What is Concern's mission?

What is Concern's vision?

How long has Concern been in operation?

What is Concern?

Our impact in 2023

30.3 M icon
30.3 M

people reached, in 26 of the world's poorest countries

15.5 M icon
15.5 M

people supported in 66 emergencies

9 M icon
9 M

people reached through our health and nutrition programmes

Apoline Niyosenge is taught how to wash her hands properly by Concern community worker Abel Bamwisho, DRC. Photo: Pamela Tulizo

Help those in need across the world

  • Our mission is to permanently transform the lives of people living in extreme poverty.

  • When an emergency strikes we are among the first on the ground.

  • We go to the ends of earth to deliver aid where it's needed most.

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