Knowledge Hub
Donating by post
We are always very happy to receive donations by post.
You just need to print and complete one of these forms:
Please make cheques payable to Concern Worldwide UK.
Our postal address for donations is:
Concern Worldwide
47 Frederick Street
Donating by phone
You can also donate by telephone.
Just call our Supporter Care team on 0800 032 4001 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday and they can process card payments over the phone.

Other ways to help

Donate now
Give a one-off, or a monthly, donation today.

Join an event
From mountain trekking to marathon running, join us for one of our many exciting outdoor events!
Buy a gift
With an extensive range of alternative gifts, we have something to suit everybody.
Leave a gift in your will
Leave the world a better place with a life-changing legacy.
Become a corporate supporter
We partner with a range of organisations that share our passion and the results have been fantastic.
Create your own fundraising event
Raise money for Concern by organising your own charity fundraising event.