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Mwanaesha Haluwa Haji tends to a plot of maize in Makere village in Kenya’s Tana River County. Photo: Lisa Murray/Kerry Group/Concern WorldwideMwanaesha Haluwa Haji tends to a plot of maize in Makere village in Kenya’s Tana River County. Photo: Lisa Murray/Kerry Group/Concern Worldwide

Transform a life by donating today

Our work tackling hunger among some of the world’s poorest communities would be impossible without the compassion and generosity of people like you.

How your donation is used

Overseas programmes

Almost 82 pence in every pound donated goes towards our emergency response and long-term development programmes, working together with people living in the most difficult situations to bring about lasting change to lives, livelihoods and communities.

Asma Begum (37) and her husband Abdul with their three daughters Lamia (18), Sadia (16) and Maria (5) and their grandmother Kulsum Begum (72) started CRAAIN in 2020. Asma Begum started as a lead farmer, received training and seeds. Before, she did agri activities but wasn’t very successful. She had received one ring composter from the local gov but no training on how to use it. As a lead farmer, she has supported 400 households in this area. She used to rely on her husband but is now totally reliable.
  • 14.2%


    This is money we spend to raise more funds for our overseas work.

  • 3.5%

    Policy, advocacy and campaigns

    We invest money to campaign, lobby governments, run petitions and put pressure on decision-makers to tackle the underlying causes of extreme poverty and push for change.

  • 0.4%


    These are funds we spend to ensure that Concern is compliant and adheres to the highest standards.

Find out more

Through to 2

By signing up to a monthly donation, you'll be joining our Through to 2 project which helps babies survive in times of crisis. 

The first two years of a baby’s life are so important for healthy development and growth. If babies don’t have the proper food and care during this special time, the effects can be devastating. Nearly half of child deaths worldwide are linked to malnutrition. And even for those who do survive, many must live with the consequences: they are likely to be small for their age, perform less well at school and be more susceptible to illness. This is why your support is so important. 

Your donation makes a difference. 

Other ways to donate

We are always very happy to receive donations by post.

You just need to print and complete one of these forms:


Please make cheques payable to Concern Worldwide.

Our postal address for donations is:

Concern Worldwide

47 Frederick Street



You can also donate by telephone:

Just call our Supporter Care team on 0800 032 4001 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday and they can process card payments over the phone.

Somali Region, Ethiopia Photo: Jennifer Nolan/ Concern Worldwide

Through to 2

  • £5 a month for a year could help provide enough life-saving therapeutic food to treat two malnourished children

  • £9 a month for a year could help treat 87 acutely malnourished mums with therapeutic food.

  • £18 a month for a year could provide 23 safe birth kits helping to keep mums and babies free from infection.

Donate now