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Working for Concern Worldwide (UK)
Joining Concern is rewarding in more ways than one. You will feel like you're part of something big, and you'll be making a difference. Plus, when you join our organisation you'll be entitled to a range of benefits. Find out more from the page below.
Working for Concern Worldwide (overseas)
We believe in working directly with local people, in partnership with local bodies and other international agencies. We aim to develop people's potential in the countries that we operate. In as far as possible, we try to recruit local people to fulfill our staffing needs. At present, 87% of our personnel working overseas are local people, living and working in their own country.
Video testimonies
Here are some video testimonies from our staff about working for Concern.
Additional videos
Core Humanitarian Standard
Concern is committed to the highest standards of good governance and accountability. In recognition of this, are certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS).
Anyone working for Concern must agree to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with Concern's Staff Code of Conduct and Associated Policies. Each of which is intended to ensure the appropriate behaviour of Concern staff and ensure the maximum protection of programme participants.
Additionally, in response to donors funding requirements and our determination to ensure that funds are used in an exclusively humanitarian manner, it is our policy that all job offers are conditional on our ensuring that potential employees’ names do not appear on counter terrorism lists generated by the United Nations, European Union or the United States.
Important notice regarding recruitment
It has come to our notice that certain individuals masquerading as affiliates of Concern Worldwide in certain areas are purporting to recruit interns or employees for the organisation for a fee.
Concern Worldwide never solicits for payments before, during or after any of our recruitment processes. Anyone asking for money in relation to recruitment is not an agent of Concern. Please do not give them any money. If in any doubt as to the veracity of a recruitment ad, please contact us.