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Emergency appealEmergency appeal

Sudan Emergency Response

Single donation
£38 could go towards providing a kit of essential items for a displaced family to help them survive, including sleeping mats, hygiene kits, mosquito nets and more.

Millions of people have fled Sudan due to conflict. Hostilities between rival armed factions in Sudan have forced 1.76 million people to seek refuge in neighbouring countries, like Chad and have left 6.5 million people internally displaced. These people urgently need your help today.

Prior to the violence that broke out on April 15 2023, 15.8 million Sudanese people were in need of humanitarian assistance - that’s one third of the country. Now, more than half Sudan’s population – 24.7 million people – need humanitarian assistance. Right now, approximately 729,000 Sudanese children are suffering from severe acute malnutrition, the deadliest form of hunger. 

The needs will only worsen as communities face displacement and lack of food, water, shelter and sanitation.

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Seeking refuge

A family sat in their house
Bahar* and his wife Arafa* with their two sons, Abakar* and Mahamad*. Photo Credit: Eugene Ikia / Concern Worldwide.

For those who have sought refuge in neighbouring countries, the journey to safety has been harrowing. Bahar*, pictured above, was forced to separate from his wife Arafa* and their two sons while on their journey from Sudan to Chad. They did not know if they would ever find each other again. 

When they arrived in Chad exhausted and hungry, they were met by Concern staff who provided them with much-needed food and essential items such as sleeping mats, jerry cans and mosquito nets. The family has thankfully been reunited and thanks to the kindness of Concern's supporters has the basic items they need to survive.

It is estimated that 564,686 Sudanese have crossed from Darfur into Chad as of 25 February 2024 - over double the amount of people who arrived into Chad fleeing conflict in Darfur in 2003.

The majority of those fleeing are women and children. They are arriving with just the clothes on their backs and whatever they can carry.  They urgently need food, water, shelter and sanitation.

Currently over 70% of health clinics in Sudan’s conflict zones are not functioning, adding further to the humanitarian crisis.

With many families still hiding from the conflict in remote areas, and some still making the journey to safety, your support can help supply our mobile clinics with life-saving medicine and equipment, meaning our staff can reach vulnerable families in isolated areas and provide humanitarian assistance to those who need it most. 

A Concern mobile clinic, which the Concern health team use to travel into remote areas where medical assistance is not available.
A Concern mobile clinic, which the Concern health team use to travel into remote areas where medical assistance is not available. Photo credit: Concern Worldwide

Your donation can help

When speaking about their experience in Chad, Bahar said: “Our biggest challenge is food. For me and my children, we are relying on you to help us.” 

We need to step up our response rapidly, as Dominic MacSorley, Concern’s Humanitarian Ambassador, has said: “People can no longer afford to eat. Families are down to one meal a day and women are eating least and last. Concern teams report a rapid deterioration in the condition of children presenting at health facilities.” 

“Children are already dying and many more could die if urgent assistance does not reach them in the coming months.” 

Your donation will help us to provide food, water, sanitation and shelter to those most in need.

Concern’s work to support Sudanese people

Concern staff are on the ground, working tirelessly to provide life-saving assistance to those in need. 

  • Concern operates in 80 health facilities across Sudan. 
  • In 2023, Concern reached over 346,000 Sudanese people with critical health, nutrition and essential supplies.  
  • Concern provides vital health and nutrition programmes to families who have fled to the border into Chad.

This is not enough, there are so many more families who urgently need our support. Please donate today to save lives. 

Concern team member hands NFIs to woman
Concern and other NGOs are constructing shelters, latrines, water systems and basic health services at Zabout. Concern is distributing NFI, water and hygiene kits to refugees who have arrived from Addémour. Photo: Audrey Hernandez/Concern Worldwide

Funds raised in response to this appeal will go towards Concern's work in Sudan and Chad. For every £1 you donate, we will allocate 10p of your donation to cover general support and running costs. There is a small chance that we will raise more money than is needed for this appeal. If this happens, we'll spend any additional funds on other Concern programmes - wherever the need is greatest. 

Emergency appeal

Sudan Emergency Response

  • One third of the country already in humanitarian support

  • Tens of thousands already forced to flee

  • Vital food, water, shelter and sanitation needed

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