Knowledge Hub
Concern Worldwide’s work tackling hunger among some of the world’s poorest communities would be impossible without the compassion and generosity of our supporters. That is why we are committed to being fully accountable to you for the way we fundraise and how we make use of your donations.
We are committed to the highest fundraising standards
We do all we can to ensure that our fundraisers, volunteers and external suppliers working with us to raise funds comply with the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice and with this promise.
We are open and transparent
- We tell the truth and do not exaggerate
- We do what we say we are going to do
- If you have any questions about our fundraising activities, we will answer them as openly as possible
We will respect your privacy
- We will keep your personal details safe
- We will never sell your personal details to anyone
- We will never share your personal details with any other charities or companies, unless they are working on our behalf for a limited period of time. Sometimes we work with external suppliers to contact you because our team isn’t big enough and in these cases we will have a contract in place to ensure your details are kept safe
- We will comply with the law, including those that apply to data protection
We will keep you informed - unless you ask us not to
- We will be clear about who we are, what we do and how your donations are used
- We will ensure that we spend your donations so they have the most impact for the world’s poorest communities
- We will keep you informed on how your support is helping change lives - and respect your request if you ask us to stop
We will treat you with courtesy and respect
- We respect the rights and dignity of everyone who supports us
- We will take care not to cause unreasonable nuisance or disruption
- We will not put undue pressure on you to make a donation. If you don’t want to give, or wish to stop giving, we will respect your decision
- If you tell us that you don’t want us to contact you in a particular way, we will not do so
We are accountable
- We accept that we don’t get it right all the time. When we get things wrong, we’ll be honest about our mistakes, apologise and fix them as quickly as possible
We have a complaints procedure, a copy of which is available on our website.
How to get in touch
We take our promise to supporters very seriously. If you are unhappy with anything we have done while fundraising, or feel we are falling short of the standards set out in this promise, please contact us so we can take action.
By post: Supporter Care, Concern Worldwide, 47 Frederick Street, Belfast, BT1 2LW
By phone: 0800 032 4001
Online (via form below)
Contact us
How your donation is used
Overseas programmes
78.9% of your donation goes towards our emergency response and long-term development work, working together with people living in the most difficult situations, rebuilding and transforming lives, livelihoods and communities.

This is money spent to raise funds for Concern’s work.
Policy, advocacy and campaigns
We invest money to campaign, lobby governments, run petitions and put pressure on decision-makers to tackle the underlying causes of extreme poverty and push for change.
Funds spent to ensure Concern is compliant and adheres to the highest standards.
Other ways to help

Donate now
Give a one-off, or a monthly, donation today.

Join an event
From mountain trekking to marathon running, join us for one of our many exciting outdoor events!
Buy a gift
With an extensive range of alternative gifts, we have something to suit everybody.
Leave a gift in your will
Leave the world a better place with a life-changing legacy.
Become a corporate supporter
We partner with a range of organisations that share our passion and the results have been fantastic.
Create your own fundraising event
Raise money for Concern by organising your own charity fundraising event.