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Mother of 2, Belita Andrade brings her Concern Emergency Supplies box home. Malawi. Photo: Gavin Douglas/ Concern WorldwideMother of 2, Belita Andrade brings her Concern Emergency Supplies box home. Malawi. Photo: Gavin Douglas/ Concern WorldwideMother of 2, Belita Andrade brings her Concern Emergency Supplies box home. Malawi. Photo: Gavin Douglas/ Concern Worldwide

Emergency Response Fund

Emergency Response Fund

When disaster strikes, Concern acts quickly to save lives. Your support through a major gift to our Emergency Response Fund will help ensure that we can act quickly when help is needed, and allows us to plan ahead, helping communities to cope and build resilience against future crises.

Concern works in some of the poorest and most fragile countries, many of which are highly vulnerable to emergencies such as conflict, natural disasters, food crises and drought. In recent years we have delivered live saving support during emergencies such as the Rohingya refugee crisis and Cyclone Idai in Malawi and Mozambique.

Your support allows us to:

Ensure people can access aid

Supporting us ensures people can continue to access food, shelter and healthcare during the most challenging of circumstances.


Better prepare communities for future crisis

Should you decide to contribute to our Emergency Response Fund, you will receive:

Timely information

We will provide you with timely information when an emergency is declared and details of how Concern are responding.

Emergency response reports

Invitations to exclusive events

Want to discuss making a major contribution to Concern’s emergency response fund?

Rohingya Refugee Crisis

Since August 2017, over 702,000 Rohingya refugees have fled violence in Myanmar and crossed the border to Cox’s Bazaar, one of the poorest regions in Bangladesh, joining the hundreds of thousands of other Rohingya refugees already living in the area. They arrive at the border exhausted, with only what they can carry, often nothing at all, in urgent need of shelter, medical care, water and food.  Already working in Bangladesh, Concern respond to meet the immediate needs of the most vulnerable and provide food rations. The support of our donors enables teams on the ground to mobilise additional supplies and provide life-saving nutrition support. 

Mahfuja* with 7-month-old twins Rihana* (pink) and Sabiha* (mint green). A Concern Worldwide outreach Nutrition Team discovered that her twin girls were severely malnourished. They were treated at a nearby Concern Nutrition Outpatient Therapeutic Programme centre. Bangladesh. Photo: Abir Abdullah/ Concern Worldwide
Mahfuja* with 7-month-old twins Rihana* (pink) and Sabiha* (mint green). Bangladesh. Photo: Abir Abdullah/Concern Worldwide
Mahfuja* and Kaseem* with 7-month-old twins Rihana* (pink) and Sabiha* (mint green). A Concern Worldwide outreach Nutrition Team discovered that her twin girls were severely malnourished. They were treated at a nearby Concern Nutrition Outpatient Therapeutic Programme centre. Bangladesh. Photo: Abir Abdullah/ Concern Worldwide
Mahfuja* and Kaseem* with 7-month-old twins Rihana* (pink) and Sabiha* (mint green). Bangladesh. Photo: Abir Abdullah/Concern Worldwide

The couple owned a shop and lived in a two-storey house, but when the military burnt both their house and their business, they lost everything and had to flee.

*Kaseem and *Mahfuja, who was pregnant at the time, ran from their village with their four young children. They were terrified that they were going to die. Now the family of eight lives in a cramped two-room temporary shelter. But even here, they don’t feel safe, as the roof has blown off three times in heavy monsoon storms.

I used to have people working for me. Now I have nothing. It would be good if I had the opportunity here in the camps to earn a living. We have six children to look after and feed.


*names changed for security reasons

Want to discuss making a major contribution to Concern’s emergency response?

Our impact in 2023

30.3 M icon
30.3 M

people reached, in 26 of the world's poorest countries

15.5 M icon
15.5 M

people supported in 66 emergencies

9 M icon
9 M

people reached through our health and nutrition programmes

How your donation is used

Overseas programmes

78.9% of your donation goes towards our emergency response and long-term development work, working together with people living in the most difficult situations, rebuilding and transforming lives, livelihoods and communities.

Eliza Manjolo in her shop in Nsanje, Malawi Photo: Chris Gagnon/Concern Worldwide
  • 16.7%


    This is money spent to raise funds for Concern’s work.

  • 4%

    Policy, advocacy and campaigns

    We invest money to campaign, lobby governments, run petitions and put pressure on decision-makers to tackle the underlying causes of extreme poverty and push for change.

  • 0.4%


    Funds spent to ensure Concern is compliant and adheres to the highest standards.

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