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A to Z of fundraising

Our A to Z fundraising guide is packed full of innovative, creative and unusual ideas to inspire you to try something different to raise money. 

Concern staff in Belfast preparing to run the relay at the Belfast marathon
Concern staff in Belfast preparing to run the relay at the Belfast marathon


  • Afternoon tea – Host an elegant afternoon tea for your friends and family.
  • Animals - Why should humans have all the fun? Why not hold a sponsored walk or run with your dog – sounds ‘pawfect’ to us! 


  • Bake sale – It’s time to get baking some delicious treats and sell them to your local community, work colleagues and friends!
  • Birthday - Why not use your birthday, wedding or anniversary to spread some kindness? Ask for donations instead of gifts and make your celebration even more meaningful. It’s a simple and inspirational way to raise money.
  • Brave - Fight your fears! Whether it’s doing a bungee jump or hanging out with spiders at your local zoo, overcome your phobia and ask for donations.


  • Car wash – Make your neighbourhood shine by holding your own local car wash.
  • Coffee morning – Turn your get-together with friends into a chance to raise vital funds by hosting a coffee morning in your home.


  • Distance with a difference - Running events are very popular, so how can you make yours stand out from the crowd? Make the run fun with a theme or costume and you'll get more donations for your original approach.
  • Dinner party – Host a Concern dinner party using some of our recipe’s from across the world  Seven recipes inspired by Concern’s vegetable gardens | Concern Worldwide


  • eBay or Etsy – Could you sell your second-hand clothes or homemade creations on eBay or Etsy – it's sustainable too!
  • Eurovision party – Get your friends and family together for the ultimate party – why not make it fancy dress?


  • Facebook fundraising – Use Facebook’s fundraising tools to spread the word of our work far and wide to your friends on socials.
  • Fancy dress day – Host a fancy dress day at work and ask people to contribute a few pounds towards it – you could even make it themed and fill your workplace with animals or movie characters!


  • Gaming - You could use your hobby for good and play your favourite game and ask for sponsors – think 24-hour gameathon! Or why not livestream your game session and receive donations live.
  • Give it up – Give up something you love to raise funds – could you survive a month without sugar? Ask your friends and family to support you by donating.


  • Hair - A trend that keeps on growing whether you shave it off, dye it a crazy colour or see how big your beard can get, changing your hair is a great way to raise money.
  • Hour of pay – Donate an hour of your pay to Concern, and you could even ask friends, families and colleagues if they could do the same!
Supporters helping collect money at Christmas at a local supermarket
Do a sponsored bag pack at your local supermarket


  • International food party – Gather your friends and family together to host an international food party – ask them to bring a dish from across the world and use it as an opportunity to raise vital funds.
  • Ice bath – Would you dare to take an icy plunge for Concern? Set yourself a challenge to take an ice bath every morning for a week and ask your loved ones to support by donating.


  • Jiggle - Get your body moving! If you're a fan of Zumba or dance, organise an event for your class and jiggle your way to fundraising success.
  • Jumble sale – Declutter your house by holding a jumble sale and donate a share of the profits to Concern!


  • Karaoke night – Everyone loves a bit of karaoke! So why not sing your heart out for Concern at your very own karaoke night.
  • Knitting – Use your talent to create goodies to sell.


  • Livestream – Whether you’re into gaming, crafting or cooking, you could livestream your hobby and receive live donations from viewers along the way.
  • Local - What's special about where you live? Take a look at what makes your community different and build your fundraising around that. Do something unique with your community, like Mick who used his local knowledge of nature and history to raise funds...


Derry Mick Cora held a fundraising walk in Greencastle in June 2021.
Derry Mick Cora held a fundraising walk in Greencastle in June 2021.


  • Makeover – Give yourself a new look by dying your hair green for Concern! Friends, family and colleagues will be sure to sponsor this epic makeover challenge.
  • Music - Music is a wonderful way to bring people together. If you're in a band (or even if you're not!) you could organise a local gig and use it as a way to raise vital funds.


  • Nighttime walk – Embark on a sponsored nighttime walk with friends in solidarity with those living in extreme poverty across the world who sometimes have to walk miles just to access water.
  • Nominate - With the huge success of No Make Up Selfie and the Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014, who knows what might kick off the next viral nominations challenge? Make the most of your social media networks and nominate your friends to do something different.


  • Occasions - Got a special day coming up? Whether it's a birthday or a milestone like graduation, share the love and ask your family and friends for donations rather than gifts.
  • Office Olympics – Go for the gold and hold an office Olympics! It’s a great way of team building, improving staff morale and just having fun all while making a difference.


  • Plank challenge – If you're wanting to build your fitness, why not set yourself a ‘plank a day’ challenge and ask for sponsorship along the way.
  • Poetry - Here's an idea for schools, students and budding poets - think about what your charity means to you and put pen to paper. You could even arrange a poetry recital to celebrate your brilliant work with proceeds going to your cause.


  • Quiet - Calling all chatterboxes! Get sponsored to do a 24-hour silence where your friends, family and colleagues can donate to show their appreciation for a bit of peace and quiet.
  • Quiz night – Host a quiz at your local pub and ask for donations to enter! They can be really easy to organise and are a great way to bring your community together to support a good cause.


  • Raffle – Ask friends, family and your local community to donate some incredible prizes and you could run your own raffle!
  • Run – Get those running trainers on and try and run a set distance across a week or a month! We also have places at popular running events that you can sign up to.


  • Sky dive – What better challenge is there than jumping out of a plane? Sign up to a sponsored sky dive for Concern and tick this epic experience off your bucket list.
  • Swimming - Ever dreamed of swimming the North Channel? But without going into the cold sea? Set your target distance to reach in one week and swim every day at your local pool in return for donations.


  • Themed - Everyone loves a theme. Coming up to Halloween? Host a horror movie night and get people to make donations to vote for the films they want to watch on the night.
  • Tennis – Calling all tennis fans! Play a tennis marathon and try and keep a rally going in return for donations.


  • Unfashionable - Call the style police! It's time to swallow your pride and be deeply unfashionable for a day. Think mis-matched outfits, clashing prints, terrible hats, sandals with socks. The worse you look, the more you'll raise.
  • Upcycle – Instead of letting your old items go to waste, why not give them a new lease of life and sell them to raise funds. 


  • Vinted – Turn your unused clothes, bags and accessories into life-changing donations by selling them on Vinted.
  • Volunteering - Offer a helping hand and do jobs for people in return for donations. Whether it's bag packing at your local supermarket or offering to clean a neighbour's car, those odd jobs could soon add up to a lot of money for your favourite cause.


  • Walk to work – Raise vital funds while getting those steps in by walking to work and setting yourself a step or distance challenge!
  • Worldwide - Get inspired by culture, food and local traditions from around the world and host a themed night based on one of the 25 countries Concern works at. Or get yourself out there and see it yourself with an overseas challenge.


  • Xbox – PlayStation, Nintendo; whatever console you use, by hosting a games night with friends or setting yourself a challenge on your favourite game, you could raise life-changing funds.
  • Xmas crafts - It's never too early to start crafting for Christmas. Homemade crafts make wonderful presents and are a fun way to raise funds while learning new skills. 


  • Yoga – Find your inner yogi and set yourself a yoga marathon challenge!
  • YOLO – You only live once, so think about an epic challenge you’ve always wanted to take on – maybe a sky dive is your thing? Or an ultramarathon? 


  • Zero waste – Set yourself a challenge of going zero waste for a week or even a month; you’ll be helping the planet and our work to end extreme poverty, it’s a win win!
  • ZzzZzz - Forgo a night's sleep for your favourite cause by challenging yourself to do something for 24 hours straight. 24-hour Zumbathon anyone?

If you’re still not feeling inspired, our team are here to help [email protected]

Apoline Niyosenge is taught how to wash her hands properly by Concern community worker Abel Bamwisho, DRC. Photo: Pamela Tulizo

Help those in need across the world

  • Our mission is to permanently transform the lives of people living in extreme poverty.

  • When an emergency strikes we are among the first on the ground.

  • We go to the ends of earth to deliver aid where it's needed most.

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