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South SudanSouth SudanSouth Sudan

South Sudan WASH Appeal

South Sudan WASH Appeal

South Sudan has not known peace since it became an independent nation in 2011. Continued instability and conflict, economic decline, and high vulnerability to climate shocks have created a cycle that South Sudan cannot get ahead of. 

South Sudan already has a humanitarian crisis of its own made worse by severe floods, with an estimated 9 million people projected to need humanitarian assistance and protection by the end of this year. 

Concern is providing clean water, nutrition, health and other services to communities across Guit County, but urgent action is needed now to secure additional support.

Through providing access to safe water and clean sanitation services, Concern is working to strengthen health and nutrition services in Unity State, part of a concerted effort to tackle the growing humanitarian crisis in the region. 


Country Context

9 million people, 72% of South Sudan’s population, will require humanitarian assistance in 2024. For over a year, the devastating conflict in Sudan has forced families to flee the violence, forcing them to seek shelter in neighbouring countries such as South Sudan. Around 1,500 people displaced by this violence arrive in South Sudan every day, and in February 2024 there were around half a million refugees seeking shelter in South Sudan.

Pressure on South Sudan Communities

South Sudan is the second most vulnerable country to climate change globally. Flooding from 2021 still has yet to recede fully and has forced communities, and the health services they use, to move to higher ground for safety. The arrival of returnees and refugees from Sudan and internally displaced communities have put a huge strain on Unity State’s resources.

Our Programme

By providing essential WASH services at nutrition centres around Unity State, our teams are working hard to provide access to clean water and dignified sanitation services, combatting water borne diseases and strengthening the health of communities working to rebuild their lives.

The situation in northern South Sudan is dire, exacerbated by the continuous influx of refugees from neighbouring Sudan, where conflict rages unabated. Many of those fleeing the conflict in Sudan into northern South Sudan are caught between a war and a flood.

Zlatko Gegic - Concern’s South Sudan Country Director

Take a look at our video , from one of our WASH officers in South Sudan, Gatkuoth Liep Guol, to learn more about the project.

Success Stories of our previous Water Points Projects in Rubkona County

In August 2023, Concern conducted an assessment in Rubkona County, in consultation with SMHLPU and UNICEF, identifying the areas and communities with greatest need. Among the main challenges was the lack of access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services which harmed children's and adults' health, as reflected in the high prevalence of malnutrition and water-borne diseases in the county. Previously they were using surface water (ponds) as drinking water and lacked water for handwashing, both of which increased diarrheal disease. 

As a result of this assessment 2 new Solar Water Yards were constructed in Rotriak, Rubkona County, Unity State, to address the water needs of IDPs, returnees, and host communities. 

These Solar Water Yards are providing the uninterrupted water supply to 32,000 people in Rotriak.

Simon Mazok, the chairman of the local Water Management Committee for one of the new Solar Water Yards expressed how the project had impacted the lives of his community:

Due to Concern’s support, there is significant improvement in stomach and skins problems within the communities. The water source is near their homes and our women now spend less times on water collection and they can use this time for other household works and childcare. Also, there is increase in population shifting from other areas to surrounding of these water sources. We are thankful to Concern for this support.

Simon Mazok - Chairman of the local Water Management Committee

Please check back here towards the end of the year for updates on the project.

A woman in South Sudan collects water. Concern is providing clean water to thousands of people in Unity through a combination of surface water and boreholes. Photo: Susan Finucane/Concern Worldwide
I want to donate
Your support will help us provide vital clean water and sanitation services to communities, and nutrition centres in South Sudan.
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