Knowledge Hub
2023 Global Hunger Index
This is the eighteenth annual publication of the Global Hunger Index (GHI), a report jointly published by Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe.

The GHI series of reports tracks the state of hunger – worldwide and country by country – and spotlights those regions and countries where action to address hunger is most urgently needed. The 2023 report unveils the devastating impacts of multiple overlapping crises on the world's most vulnerable communities. The fall out from the Covid-19 Pandemic, climate disasters around the world and the on-going Russia-Ukraine conflict have combined to stall progress in the fight against hunger. Some 43 countries show serious or alarming levels of hunger.

Youth and Hunger
This year's report also shines a light on on the future food needs of the world’s current young population – the majority of whom live in low- and middle-income countries in south Asia, east Asia and Africa. Currently 42% of the world’s population is aged under-25, and are confronted with unsustainable and highly vulnerable food systems.