Knowledge Hub
Concern Worldwide (UK) Strategic Plan 2021 - 2025
Reaching the furthest behind
Responding to the climate, conflict and hunger crises in the poorest and most fragile contexts.

The UK strategic plan was developed during an extraordinary period. With every country where Concern works affected by the coronavirus pandemic, the impact on people’s health and livelihoods has been substantial. The longer-term effects are likely to be more severe for those who are already vulnerable and disadvantaged.
To date, we have seen reduced access to preventative and life-saving healthcare, children kept out of school and millions of people unable to earn a decent income. Globally, the World Bank estimates that Covid-19 could push an additional 120 million people into extreme poverty in 2021, and the World Food Programme has warned that the crisis has more than likely doubled the number of people experiencing acute hunger.
Despite the uncertainties surrounding the long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the future direction of UK aid, we are confident that this strategic plan will help us achieve our goals to raise more funds and provide greater resources for our country programmes, while influencing policies and power holders to address the root causes of extreme poverty, with a particular focus on hunger, climate change and conflict.
The strategic plan sets out how we will work as an organisation, building on the changes brought about by the Covid pandemic and the strengths we identified as a result. The plan seeks to enhance both our agility and our ability to innovate in response to a changing and uncertain environment.
It also recognises that the people who make up Concern Worldwide (UK) are our greatest asset and we will improve the diversity, wellbeing, development and motivation of staff and volunteers, as well as capitalising on our skills and knowledge by becoming more inclusive.
The plan embeds the work of Concern (UK) within Concern Worldwide, harnessing our expertise and competitive advantages in the UK while leveraging the strengths and experiences of the global organisation. It aims for greater connectedness between the UK, country programmes and support offices in Ireland, the US and South Korea, sharing knowledge, experiences, ideas and products. Over the course of this strategic plan, we aim to strengthen our position as a trusted and valued member of Concern Worldwide, making informed decisions for the UK market while contributing towards the achievement of the global strategic plan.
Finally, we want to enhance and build on our new interconnectedness. We will bring the voices of people engaged in Concern programmes closer to donors and supporters in the UK, enabling them to communicate the reality of their lives.