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HIV Prevention and Impact Reduction programme Ethiopia - Final Evaluation 2014
The Partnership for HIV Prevention and Impact Reduction programme in Ethiopia was implemented with four local partner organisations.

The programme aimed to improve the quality of life of orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs), people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) and their families in Addis Ababa and Kalu Woreda of the Amhara Regional State by developing their skills, livelihood options and strengthening the role of the community and positive support groups. The programme also focused on building the capacity of local community based organizations (CBOs) and supported key HIV and AIDS related treatment, care and support services provided by government facilities, IPs, CBOs and community volunteers to improve their response to the HIV epidemic.
This publication covers aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of several donors, including Comic Relief, Irish Aid, Medicor Foundation, Concern US, Bank of Ireland and Electric Aid. The ideas, opinions and comments herein are entirely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent or reflect the policies of any donors.