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Integrated Poverty Reduction and Women’s Empowerment Programme (IPRWEP) in Zambia Final Evaluation
The Integrated Poverty Reduction and Women’s Empowerment Programme (IPRWEP) which ran between 2012 and 2015 aimed to improve the wellbeing of extremely poor families in five districts of Western Province in Zambia. The final evaluation assesses how the programme contributed to sustainable improvements in the lives of extremely poor people in the targeted districts.
The focus of IPRWEP was on increasing the asset base, improving equality, food security and nutrition, and reducing risk and vulnerability, particularly for female-headed households.
IPRWEP also worked to build the capacity of government, partner and Concern staff and increase the capacity of communities and district structures to manage hazards. The programme was funded by Irish Aid and was designed to be fully implemented by local partner organisations.
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