Knowledge Hub
Knowledge Matters – Protection
Welcome to the latest edition of Knowledge Matters, published in November 2019, which looks at Concern's work on addressing protection needs in a range of different contexts.

This issue highlights Concern's approach to protection in programming, as well as its place as a cross-cutting issue for the organisation - highlighting how our protection work is evolving over time, and presenting key results and lessons learned.
As we continue the journey in the protection sphere, with up to five years of work in some of the countries spotlighted here, it is a good time to reflect and provide some insights and analysis that are the basis of this edition of Knowledge Matters. This issue includes articles from Haiti, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
This publication covers aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of several donors, including Irish Aid, UK Aid, The European Union and USAID. The ideas, opinions and comments herein are entirely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent or reflect the policies of any donors.