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Farm Level Green House in Tongchon County in DPRK. Photo: Concern Worldwide.Farm Level Green House in Tongchon County in DPRK. Photo: Concern Worldwide.Farm Level Green House in Tongchon County in DPRK. Photo: Concern Worldwide.

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Why DPRK? Chronic food insecurity and childhood malnutrition are widespread in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). Over 10 million people are undernourished and increased frequency of droughts and floods have also left the country vulnerable.

A vulnerable nation

DPRK continues to face a multitude of challenges and remains extremely vulnerable to frequent disasters and the impact of climate change. In September 2019, DPRK was hit by typhoon Lingling. It brought strong wind and heavy rain, causing significant damage to crops and livelihoods.

Separately, around 20% of the population face gaps in the water supply, with a significant lack of resources to replace dilapidated facilities.

Our work in DPRK mainly focuses on improving food security and nutrition, water and sanitation, responding to emergencies, and building resilience.

We are proud of Concern’s strong presence in DPRK, addressing the most complex and protracted humanitarian crises.

Concern Worldwide Regional Director Bríd Kennedy. Photo: Concern Worldwide
"People are stunted here because they don’t get enough nutrition as children. The physical work that they do every day is enormous."
Bríd Kennedy, Concern Worldwide

Latest achievements


WASH support

We delivered water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) support to 30,923 vulnerable people in 2019.


Disaster Risk Reduction



Conservation Agriculture at work in DPRK. Photo: Concern Worldwide.
Conservation Agriculture at work in DPRK. Photo: Concern Worldwide.
Farmers taking part in field training in Kangwon Province. Photo: Concern Worldwide.
Farmers taking part in field training in Kangwon Province. Photo: Concern Worldwide.

How we’re helping DPRK

Our work in DPRK focuses on improving food security and nutrition, water and sanitation, responding to emergencies and building resilience.

Conservation agriculture
Feminine health
Water supply
Apoline Niyosenge is taught how to wash her hands properly by Concern community worker Abel Bamwisho, DRC. Photo: Pamela Tulizo

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  • When an emergency strikes we are among the first on the ground.

  • We go to the ends of earth to deliver aid where it's needed most.

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